A sulfur-based laxative: reading 349-23 (F 37)

Many people who received Cayce’s health readings were constipated, and Cayce consistently recommended many of the laxatives available before 1945. Some of these laxatives also have antiseptic properties, and are useful for reducing the amount of problematic bacteria in the intestines. My recent blog post mentioned some of the conditions that are caused by intestinal bacteria, and which can be treated with antiseptics.

Several readings recommended a combination of Sulfur (sulphur), Cream of Tartar (Potassium bitartrate), and Rochelle Salts (Potassium sodium tartrate). The instructions given in Reading #349-23, for a 37 year old female, are fairly basic:

6. Then, we would prepare a compound to be taken for purifying the system:

Sulphur…………….1 level tablespoonful,
Rochelle Salts………1 level tablespoonful,
Cream of Tartar……..1 level tablespoonful.

Mix these thoroughly together. Best that they be mixed with a mortise and pestle.

7. Each morning before a meal is taken, take half a teaspoonful of this mixture – either dry or in water; and continue until the whole quantity has been taken.

(The full text of Reading #349-23 is at the bottom of this page.)

There are 3 teaspoons per tablespoon, so this reading called for mixing up 9 teaspoons. At 1/2 tsp per day, it’s about 18 days of use.

Sulfur has a broad-spectrum anti-bacterial properties. Cream of Tartar and Rochelle Salts are laxatives. Most grocery stores carry Cream of Tartar. My local chemistry store, Chemlab Supply, stocks pure Sulfur USP powder and could order Rochelle Salts for me. It’s easiest to get a prepared version of the “Sulfur Salts”, as it’s much more economical for manufacturers to order by the kilogram than for individuals to order 3 ounces of the Rochelle Salts (the most expensive of these three items).

Photo of containers of these items
Sulfur USP, Sulflax, and Cream of Tartar

(Sidenote: in 1976 the The Heritage Store, a Virginia Beach-based supplier of Edgar Cayce health supplies, received a trademark for their version of Edgar Cayce’s Sulfur-based laxative: Sulflax. This trademark was allowed to expire after the Heritage Store sold its supplement business to a supplement company in Utah, and was re-registered by the ARE’s “Official Supplier” in 2017. The Heritage Store catalogue was sold to a Utah-based company, which no longer offers this product.)

Full text of one of the readings recommending this mix of Sulphur, Rochelle Salts and Cream of Tartar:


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 11th day of August, 1941, in accordance with request made by the self – Mrs. [349], Associate Member of the Ass’n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.


Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.


Time of Reading 3:50 to 4:00 P. M. Eastern Daylight Savings Time. …, N.Y.

1. GC: You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time, with suggestions for further corrective measures; answering the questions, as I ask them:

2. EC: Yes, we have the body here; this we have had before.

3. As we find, in the main conditions are very good.

4. There are the effects of poisons, or accumulations left in the system.

5. If there would be a purification of the general physical forces, and then a series of some four or five of the hydrotherapy treatments – especially in relation to the sweats and massages, we find that the body should be in an excellent condition.

6. Then, we would prepare a compound to be taken for purifying the system:

Sulphur…………….1 level tablespoonful,
Rochelle Salts………1 level tablespoonful,
Cream of Tartar……..1 level tablespoonful.

Mix these thoroughly together. Best that they be mixed with a mortise and pestle.

7. Each morning before a meal is taken, take half a teaspoonful of this mixture – either dry or in water; and continue until the whole quantity has been taken.

8. Then begin having each week the Dry Cabinet Sweat, followed with a thorough rubdown – especially with an equal combination of Peanut Oil and Olive Oil; then with an alcohol rub.

9. Where the boil, pimple or rash conditions are apparent, – massage gently, about twice each day, with a small quantity of Carbolated Vaseline.

10. This, with the others, should remove the disturbance.

11. Then the diet:

12. Keep to those things that carry an extra quantity of Vitamin B-1, especially as found in all foods that are yellow in color.

13. Occasionally – about once a week – add a little CALCIOS, as the system is deficient in calcium.

14. Ready for questions.

15. (Q) What is the protuberance on the right eyelid?
(A) This is a condition that arises from the breaking of cellular forces, as indicated. It may be necessary to take this off with an electric needle. But if those things are used as indicated, we should eradicate the sources of these from the system.

16. (Q) Shall moles on left forearm and left calf be removed?
(A) Not necessarily, if the system is purified so as to prevent these accumulations from growing or adding to the general condition here.

17. (Q) Can they be treated to disappear entirely?
(A) These can be taken off, but unless the system was purified – they might become cancerous! Then, would you want to keep on fooling with them!

18. (Q) What is the occasional sharp twinge of pain experienced in right side of head?
(A) This is the general pressures upon nerve forces of the system by the accumulation of poisons – this coming to the lymph system, and with the treatments as indicated, and the care as to diet, all these symptoms should be eliminated. All of the conditions should be improved with the use of these things indicated.

19. We are through with this Reading.

Copy to Self
Copy to Ass’n file

(Calcios is manufactured and distributed by The Colloidal Health Products Corp., Atten A. A. Nichoson, Greenvale. L.I., N.Y. It is a syrupy paste selling for $2.50 a jar.)