Edgar Cayce’s Carbon Steel Grounding Coin also helps with the radiation problem…

Edgar Cayce’s Grounding Coin
Harmonize the Body’s Subtle Energy Systems
“Do not take this as being something of superstition, or as something that would be a good luck charm, – but if the entity will wear about its person, or in its pocket, a metal that is carbon steel – preferably in the groin pocket – it will prevent, it will ionize the body– from its very vibrations – to resist cold, congestion, and those inclinations for disturbance with the mucous membranes of the throat and nasal passages.”
– Edgar Cayce Reading #1842-1
Edgar Cayce’s ‘Cold’ Grounding Coin Helps Protects Against:
- Colds
- Radioactive Fallout
- Nasal Congestion
- Excess Exposure to Medical Radiation
- etc. 🙂
Contact [email protected] if you have any questions. 🙂
Around July 5th, 2013, traffic on this website went “through the roof”. I couldn’t figure out why hundreds of people were suddenly searching for information about Edgar Cayce’s ‘cold’ Carbon-Steel coin. A new visitor sent me an email, so I asked if she knew why this was the sudden hot new search term. She told me that George Noory, host of the popular late-night radio show Coast to Coast AM, recently had a guest that mentioned Edgar Cayce, and that Mr. Noory said that he himself carries a ‘cold’ Carbon Steel Coin.
Needless to say, the flood of orders was unexpected. It took about a month and a half before the machine shop finished another batch of coins – I ordered enough to last for a while. 🙂
“After I had the ‘Cold’ Carbon-steel Coin in my pockets I felt happier… had more energy… felt lucky… and I’ve been more smiley.” -Winter, Organic Natural Cafe co-owner, Medford, Oregon
From Dileep in Australia:
Hi James, I just received the Discs, thanks for that. Since all of us have nasal and mucus related issues, I’ll let you know how we go this winter which has kicked in and has already given all of us a cold and cough. -Dileep
[hours later] … My daughter won’t believe it but when I picked her up from school she could barely talk because her nose was chocked and this morning it was clear and she had it on only for a while. My nose is clear as well and it had been filled with mucus since I did not use the Radial Appliance for a few days now and it has been extremely windy and cold last few days.
If you make them into convenient pendants, I think they can be sold on eBay too. I’ll happily be your Australian distributor 😉 –Dileep
Just some info to let you know: I bought a couple of carbon steel coins from you in the summer of 2011. Twice a year, like clockwork, I would get a severe cold that would almost always end up in my lungs at least for a few days. Nothing serious but at least twice a year this would occur. Since carrying at all times 2 carbon steel coins usually in my pocket and even when I am sleeping I have not had a single cold, no congestion, barely a clue of allergies. Thought you would like to know.Steven Breaux, Louisiana
An anecdote about ‘Medical Radiation’:
I can give a testimonial about the coins — and feel free to use it. I was in the dental chair getting x-rays. They said:”Oh that one came out fuzzy.” I said: “that’s because i have a ‘blocker’. I took the coin out of my pocket & the next picture was clear.
With Love & Light,
Bill W., Illinois
I gave away most of my first batch of coins to my email list subscribers for the cost of S&H. Someone from Germany found my video on YouTube and ordered three. Here’s what she had to say:
kindly provide me with your paypal email address so i may pay for 3 carbon steel coins – the [official supplier’s] coins and caycecure coins have symbolism on them…
These coins are without branding or logos – just a simple spiral from the manufacturing process.
FDA Disclaimer:The product and statements on this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Cayce’s Carbon Steel Coin is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All information provided on the web site or any information accompanying any product is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information on this flier for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new vitamin, supplements, diet, or exercise program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. All testimonials on this website are based on individual results and do not constitute a guarantee that you will achieve the same results. |
Cool! These look so nice! I think a carbon steel washer should work but they are not that easy to find that are not galvanized. In either case if it rusts you can soak in vinegar and then rinse with baking soda solution or better yet ammonia…
By the way, Cayce told someone that bacteria and viruses can only thrive in an acid environment, so following the alkaline diet (described in another of your posts) is protective (unless the body becomes *too* alkaline… but I think you’d have to go pretty overboard with the diet for that too happen; easy to check using urine pH test strips).
Regarding tea as being “Cayce approved”, he did say: …”Tea is rather hard on most bodies. If it is taken with lemon it is preferable.” 850-2 He also told someone “Tea is more harmful than coffee. Any nerve reaction is more susceptible to the character of tea that is usually found in this country.” 303-2