Did you know Hugh Lynn Cayce?

Every so often I get an email from people who’ve been interested in the Cayce material for quite a bit longer than me.

The neatest of these is a recent email from Sam Benesch, who wrote asking if he could purchase a set of wires for his Radial Appliance. His wires were misplaced in one of his moves. This email also mentioned that his appliance was built by Marsden Godfrey.

I clicked on the link to the website, and found a fascinating archive of Sam’s personal experiences with Hugh Lynn Cayce and the post-WWII Association for Research and Enlightenment. Marsden Godfrey built Radial Appliances when Edgar Cayce was still alive.

During the Second World War I was assigned to the same Army unit as was Hugh Lynn Cayce. He was a Staff Sergeant and slept in a sleeping bag – on a cot – in a big tent.

I was a Private First Class and slept in a sleeping bag, atop my rain coat spread on the ground in a pup tent.


I really appreciated that Mr. Benesch sent me a link to his website, and sent him a complimentary set of wires.

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