I met another parent recently. She was getting something for her kid to eat. I asked ‘how old?’ This woman responded that she has 5 kids. They’ve just started school, and they’ve all gotten sick: asthma, etc. Continue reading “Recognizing and Resolving ‘Birth Trauma’”
I took my latest batch of steel to the machine shop yesterday. I’ve been working with the shop manager for over 2 years. He had reservations that just carrying a piece of tool steel could benefit the human body, but I gave him a coin anyways. Yesterday I got a neat testimonial:
“I don’t know if it’s the coin I’m carrying, but everyone around me is sick as a dog… And I’m perfectly healthy.”
-Nick Fisher, Prescott Valley Arizona
Occasionally people ask about drilling a hole, so that the coins may be used as a pendant on a necklace, but I generally discourage this practice. Edgar Cayce said that his ‘coin’ should be carried at the level of the pubic bone, which is the approximate level of the root chakra. The root chakra facilitates our energetic connection to the earth, and Cayce’s coin helps to strengthen this connection.
Many pairs of jeans have a little pocket on the right side that was originally for carrying a pocket watch. For a while I put my coin in this pocket, even though the location was a little high.
When Cayce’s Coin was mentioned on Coast 2 Coast AM, I suggested that purchasers sew their coin into a sort of coin-wallet and safety-pin this to their garments at an appropriate location. It would be fine to sew the coin permanently into a piece of fabric, but I didn’t think they’d be good to sell that way – I think people should see and feel the coin which they are to carry (or attach to their undergarments).
I bought some silk fabric, pulled out my sewing machine, and attempted to sew little bags. While I was successful, these were not aesthetically-pleasing. Fortunately one of my suppliers carries pre-made silk bags in all different sizes. I thought the smallest bags were a little large, but they actually fold up to just the right size – the safety pin should go through multiple layers of fabric. After the first ‘sticking’ the pin does not need to be removed from the silk bag.
The silk bag should be folded over several times, to reinforce the area through which the safety-pin is pushed through.
If you’ve previously bought coins from me, you can sew them into a piece of cotton or silk cloth. Every dollar store should have needles and thread. Any piece of “recycled” natural-fiber cloth will work fine – if you don’t have any old t-shirts, thrift stores will have something just as good.
Edgar Cayce’s Carbon-Steel Coin
Order 1, 3 or 5 coins using this button (One silk coin-bag per order):
[embedit snippet=”paypal-cayce-coins”]
Every so often I get an email from people who’ve been interested in the Cayce material for quite a bit longer than me.
The neatest of these is a recent email from Sam Benesch, who wrote asking if he could purchase a set of wires for his Radial Appliance. His wires were misplaced in one of his moves. This email also mentioned that his appliance was built by Marsden Godfrey.
I clicked on the link to the website, and found a fascinating archive of Sam’s personal experiences with Hugh Lynn Cayce and the post-WWII Association for Research and Enlightenment. Marsden Godfrey built Radial Appliances when Edgar Cayce was still alive.
During the Second World War I was assigned to the same Army unit as was Hugh Lynn Cayce. He was a Staff Sergeant and slept in a sleeping bag – on a cot – in a big tent.
I was a Private First Class and slept in a sleeping bag, atop my rain coat spread on the ground in a pup tent.
People who visit this site are typically already interested in the Edgar Cayce material. The first Saturday in July brought a flood of visitors and orders for Edgar Cayce’s ‘cold’ carbon-steel coin. A large number of people also signed up for the free email reports. Someone responded to the email they were sent to say that she was very interested in a Radial Appliance. I responded and asked (in part), “Why are people suddenly searching for more information about Cayce’s ‘coin’? There was no such traffic before Friday…”
This was part of her response:
We heard about the Cayce’s coin while we were listening to a late night am station on the radio. George Noorey was talking to a guest Gwilda Wiyaka, I do believe George had asked her about the coin. I guess I ought to get on ordering ours huh!
Thanks for the quick reply, -S
Needless to say, the flood of orders was unexpected, and my last batch of coins disappeared very quickly. It took two months, but the machine shop just finished another batch:
Some of the latest batch. The longer pieces are remnants.
(If you live in Canada or anywhere else, please email [email protected] with the # of coins you want and the country you live in, and I will send you a paypal invoice.)
This is a transcript of the relevant portion of the Coast-To-Coast AM show: