I was given a steam cooker by my father’s elderly friend maybe 10 years ago. At first I didn’t know what to do with it, but then I realized it’d be useful to implement Edgar Cayce’s cooking instructions. Cayce frequently told people that foods that need cooking should be cooked in their own juices, and …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Edgar Cayce on Chicken
When going through the Edgar Cayce’s 14,000+ readings, I try to put them in context. How is our world today different from when the Readings were given in the first half of the 20th Century? Chicken was commonly recommended in the health readings, but today’s factory-farmed birds are nothing like the chicken recommended by Edgar …
Secrets of the Alkaline Diet
Edgar Cayce regularly emphasized the importance of eating an “alkaline-reacting diet”. In January 2018 I read a few hit-pieces against this dietary philosophy in the mainstream media. The target of their spin was Tom Brady, who is actually doing quite well as the National Football League’s oldest quarterback. The hit pieces pointed out that the …
Whole Wheat Bread
A friend was recently talking about needing to help her ~70-ish year old sister “get her blood sugar under control.” I asked what her sister ate. “Whatever’s in the refrigerator.” Then she told how her sister recently came home with cupcakes. She said to her ‘diabetic’ sister, who should have known better, “Really?” The sister …
cooking strategies to maximize nutrient availability
Earlier this year I found this book of articles from the old Cayce newsletters (originally published in the 1970’s): I was drawn to a chapter about Mr. Cayce’s advice for foods. In reading (462-14) (M 57, 1942), Cayce was asked about frozen foods, “especially [frozen] vegetables and fruits that are on the market today.” His …
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Pie Plant (Rhubarb) as functional food in the Cayce Readings
Rhubarb has been brought to my attention several times in recent months. This spring I noticed a rhubarb plant at the local garden center: A few weeks later I saw stalks of rhubarb at the farmer’s market, so I picked up a bundle. Last week, while perusing through the Cayce readings about kidney problems, I ran …
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A case of ‘bipolar disorder’ in the Cayce Readings?
In a recent facebook post about the importance of light, I quoted reading #252-1. It seems like this teenager suffered from what today might be called “bipolar disorder”. Conventional medicine is basically helpless when treating this diagnosis – wikipedia says “the exact mechanism underlying the disorder remains unclear”. The treatments offered are palliative, rather than …
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Biodiesel-Free Snack Foods
One of the major dietary problems suffered by humans in the modern world is the substitution of imitation-foods for our evolutionarily-appropriate cuisine. The most dangerous of these substitutions is that of “biodiesel” (commonly sold as “vegetable oil”) for the naturally-saturated fats that humans have consumed for thousands of years. Three local grocery stores have bags …
holiday coins
Steven Breaux in Louisianna emailed me recently asking about buying some Cayce Grounding Coins to give away for the holidays. Steven used to have chronic sinus troubles – carrying two Cayce Grounding coins has allowed him to breathe freely for these past three years. His testimonial is on the Cayce Carbon-Steel Grounding Coin page.
Packing on pounds with supposedly-healthy prepared food
This year I was drawn to travel for the Thanksgiving holiday, and drove to Los Angeles on Wednesday. Upon awakening on Thursday, I checked to see if there were any ‘grocery’ options within walking distance. Erewhon Natural Foods Market seemed promising – I called to verify they were open and trekked right over. I found …
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